This workout targets your core muscles, tightening your abs and giving you a smaller, flatter stomach. Do two sets of the moves in this 20-minute routine twice a week, and you’ll say goodbye to that belly flab in no time.

 Lunge Twist

Targets: Abs, obliques, butt, quads

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, elbows bent 90 degrees by hips.
  • Lunge forward with right leg and rotate torso and arms to right.
  • Rotate back to center as you quickly push off right foot to return to start.
  • Do 16 reps, alternating sides.
  • Step Hop

    Targets: Abs, butt, legs

    • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on hips.
    • Step forward with right foot, then lift left knee to hip level as you hop straight up on right leg.
    • Land with feet together.
    • Do 16 reps, alternating sides.

    Shot Put

    Targets: Arms, abs, obliques, butt, legs

    • Stand with feet hip-width apart, right elbow bent with hand by ear, left arm out at shoulder level.
    • Lunge to right with right leg; rotate torso to right.
    • Push off right foot to stand, pivoting to left.
    • Extend right arm diagonally (as if throwing a shot).
    • Do 16 reps, alternating sides.

    Lunge Reach

    Targets: Shoulders, abs, butt, quads

    • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, arms by sides.
    • Lunge forward with left leg, bending both knees 90 degrees, and reach arms toward floor.
    • Explosively push off left leg to return to starting position and lift arms straight overhead.
    • Do 8 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

    Hands-Up Hop

    Targets: Arms, abs, butt, legs

    • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, hands on hips.
    • Step forward with left foot and simultaneously lift right knee to hip level as you hop straight up on left leg and extend arms overhead.
    • Land with feet together, hands on hips.
    • Do 20 reps, alternating sides.

    Discus Throw

    Targets: Arms, abs, obliques, butt, legs

    • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended out to sides at shoulder level.
    • Lunge to right with right leg, rotating torso to right.
    • Quickly shift weight to left leg, bend knee, and push off left foot to hop up as you turn to left and swing right arm across body (as if throwing a discus).
    • Do 10 reps. Switch sides; repeat.