It’s easy for a person to feel a little weird when they notice they have little white nuggets lodged in their tonsils. The official name for these little white nuggets is tonsil stones, and many people who have them don’t even know they have them.

Tonsil stones develop when mucus, bacteria, dead skin cells, and leftover food particles build up inside the tonsil crypts (the pockets of the tonsils). These tonsil stones often have a white to yellowish color, and have a soft and squishy texture.

When they develop these stones can cause various oral health issues such as chronic bad breath due to the anaerobic bacteria that causes them. A lot of people who have tonsil stones will also feel as if there is something stuck in the middle of their throat. As you can imagine this can leave your throat irritated, make it difficult to swallow food, and even cause breathing problems.

Who Gets Them?

You are more likely to experience tonsil stones if you suffer from chronic inflammation of the tonsils, don’t practice good oral hygiene, and if your tonsils are abnormally big.

Many people who have to deal with these smelly little balls on a daily basis want to just get a tonsillectomy and be done with it.

However, removing your tonsils doesn’t always guarantee that the tonsil stones won’t return in the future. Furthermore, removing your tonsils is like taking out part of your immune system needed to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering your body through your mouth.

Tonsil Stone Removal Methods

Thankfully there are plenty of tonsil stone removal methods that don’t require surgically removing your tonsils. In fact, many of these tonsil stone removal methods don’t require much but some simple household items to dig those little suckers out.


One of the easiest ways to dig tonsil stones out from your tonsils is to use a Q-tip. However, in order to use a Q-tip effectively the tonsil stones you’re trying to remove have to be big enough for you to see and reach at the back of your throat.

If they are big and visible enough for you to reach simply take a Q-tip and push on the area of your tonsils where you see them until they’re dislodged. Make sure you take your time and gently press on the tonsils with the q-tip so that you don’t gag yourself too much.

As you press on the tonsils you’re going to want to apply just enough pressure to make the stones pop out from behind your tonsil pockets. It’s best to get in front of the mirror so you can see what you’re doing back there a litbetter.tle

Dental Irrigation Syringes

These dental irrigation syringes have a plastic pointy curved tip that you can use to stream water or mouthwash inside your mouth. In order to flush stones out of your tonsils you should point the curved tip of the syringe directly at the pockets in your tonsils affected with the stones.

Unlike q-tips these syringes are great for removing tonsil stones deep in your tonsils that you can’t see but feel are there. When you use a syringe to flush out your stones it’s best to use a mirror so you can see a little better inside your mouth and improve your aim.

You also want to keep your down so that the tonsil stones fall out your mouth instead of going back down your throat. Other than just plain water you can mix equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide with warm water and use this mixture in the syringe to spray out the stones.

The hydrogen peroxide will make this tonsil stone removal method more effective because it provides your mouth with more oxygen that creates an environment where the tonsil stone causing bacteria can’t survive. The more you use this hydrogen peroxide mixture the better chance you’ll have of preventing the stones from returning after you’ve flushed them out.

Doing this simple and inexpensive syringe rinse on a daily basis will not only prevent new tonsil stones from forming, but also stop the nasty odor and taste that comes along with them.


One of the best ways to remove tonsil stones is to use a waterpik. A waterpik is pretty much a water flosser that comes with a motor, water reservoir, and a specialized water flosser nozzle.

This dental appliance was created for those who prefer flossing with water instead of a piece of string. To use it for getting rid of tonsil stones you want to position the nozzle directly at the tonsil crevices where the stones are lodged and blast them out.

Just be-careful as you use the waterpik because it can hurt your tonsils if you’re too aggressive with it. The best thing to do is set the waterpik on the lowest setting before you begin blasting out the small stones from your tonsils.

If you want a little more power bring the setting up to the half way mark and resume spraying out the tonsil stones. Just remember to place the nozzle of the waterpik directly in the pockets of your tonsils where the stones are hiding so it can be more effective.

Oral irrigator

This water flosser has a motor, water reservoir, and a specialized water flosser nozzle. It’s a method for flossing with water instead of with a string. To remove tonsil stones, position the nozzle directly at the tonsil crevices and blast them out. Make sure you don’t hurt the tonsils by being over-aggressive. Set the irrigator on the lowest setting.

Oral probiotics

These strains of good bacteria have the power to suffocate the bad bacteria in the mouth which are causing the tonsil stones. The most effective probiotic against tonsil stones is S. salivarius K12. Take a probiotic capsule, open it, and mix the content inside with 4 oz. of warm water and stir the mixture until the capsule content is completely dissolved in the water. Swish the solution in the mouth, i.e. close to the tonsil stones area. To achieve this, tilt the head back a bit before spitting the solution out. Chewing gums and toothpastes can also be very helpful in the removal of tonsil stones as well.