He decided to drink 1 gallon of water for 30 days: The results shocked him!

A journalist from the “Thrillist” portal, decided to drink 1 gallon of water daily for a month. Although he expected certain changes, he definitely was not ready for lots of things.

Day 1: The party begins

Despites I don’t really know how many glasses of water are 1 gallon, I decided to buy a plastic bottle of 1 gallon and to carry it with me everywhere. Even at the very beginning it seems that it will be a bit harder than I imagined. I’m trying to focus on the drinking water to achieve my quota for this day.

Day 5: I’m urinating every 20 minutes

I really have to drink water. My body, and probably the body of every other person contains 60% of water, but nobody drinks 1 gallon of water a day. I drink water even if I’m not thirsty. But there’s no different. The only change is a continued feeling of fullness, because I eat less. Plus, I go to toilet on every 20 minutes. Everybody thinks that I have drug problems, because I constantly go in and out of the toilet. When I go out, I drink water with every second drink and I go to toilet all the time.

Day 10: I became… beautiful?

Something’s going on, especially in the morning. I usually need a cup of coffee after waking up so I can function, but now I feel completely fresh and full of energy. It’s a nice change. I even feel better. Maybe it’s about the placebo effect. My hair got a completely new shine, but generally I consider myself as a beautiful person, so I’m not sure what’s really going on. It’s still really hard for me to carry so much water with me. In practice, even when I sleep, I have a plastic bottle of water besides me in order to fulfill the quota. Even the people look strange at me, I think that my forearms are stronger. I think.

Day 15: I’m full with energy

I definitely have more energy. I almost don’t drink coffee. This is a big change, because I used to drink up to 3 cups of coffee a day. When I go to run at night, I feel that I’m a bit faster. I sleep better. Even it’s not that hot to me while I sleep. Not only that, I even feel incredible thirst if I don’t drink water. It seems that my body adjusted to the new lifestyle. I feel that maybe I won’t be the same person as before.

Day 20: The people are telling me that I look happier

I still go often to the toilet and every time my urine is crystal clear. My girlfriend noticed that my skin looks cleaner and I feel that I have more energy. It sounds strange, but I have a feeling that I really feel better. I don’t have a problem with drinking water anymore. I adapted on the amount and now it represents my norm. Even the people respect me more even I carry the damn bottle with me everywhere. I’m kidding, they don’t respect me J.

Day 30: Free and clean

The last day of my challenge. I still run to the toilet and I’m constantly thirsty. I feel like my grandpa. But, unlike him, I feel better. Maybe it’s a bit too much to drink a gallon of water every day, but I definitely notice that I haven’t been drinking enough water.