In the fast pacing societies we live in, filled with lust, se* and one night stands, unwanted and unexpected pregnancies are a common topic among people around the whole world. This is often a result of many people not practicing safe se* by using condoms.

Se* without a protection (condom) is only considered okay when you have one se*ual partner for a longer period of time. But having a long relationship doesn’t always mean that you’re ready to have children, so many people are wondering if there is a way that you can avoid pregnancy, in a long relationship without using a condom. And we’ve written an article to show you how.

Pull Out

Before you e*aculate, pull the pe*is out of the va*ina. Although this isn’t 100% safe to be used often, it can still save you sometimes.
Copper T.


Safe Week Se*

Try having se* when it is the safe week (8-th day of the 20-th day of woman’s cycle or in other words known as the first day of the period.


Birth Control Pill

Going under the pill (if you’re a girl) can be a highly effective way to avoid unwanted pregnancy. These pills control the fertility of women. Consult with a doctor before using these pills.



This is only advisable if you’re 100% sure that you don’t want to have children in their lives. If you’re not sure, we highly recommend you not to do this and use one of the methods above.

Using any of these methods are not 100% fertility-proof, but it will help you from time to time.